Thursday, October 29, 2009

How to use Ur eyes 2 make Some1 fall in Luv Wid U..!!

Let us think about very sticky eyes or superglue eyes and call them "Epoxy Eyes".
This brazen technique packs a powerful punch. Watch ur target person even when some1 else is talking. No matter who is speaking, keep looking at D Man or Women U want to Impact.

This way Mr. or Ms. Target still feels U r intrigued by his or her reactions, yet there is relief from D intensity.

If romance is on D horizon, Epoxy Eyes transmits yet another message. It says, " I can't take my eyes off U" or " I only hv eyes 4 U." Studies shows that intense eye contact plays havoc with our heartbeat. Since this is D hormone detected in D human body during erotic excitement, intense eye contact can b turn -on.

Men, Epoxy Eyes is extremely effective on women- if they find U attractive. D lady interprets her nervous reaction to ur untoward gaze as building infatuation. If she doesnt like U, However, Ur Epoxy Eyes is downright Obnoxious.

Warning By Rameshwar
(Never use Epoxy Eyes on strangers in public settings, if u do U Could get in near by police station).

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